Breaking new ground for women’s voices, Chick2Chick is a video/audio podcast series that’s as entertaining as it is irreverent. Featuring award-winning broadcast journalists Flora Posteraro and Carrie Perry, Chick2Chick engages newsmakers, entertainers, and cultural gurus as it provides insights on life, politics, the media, public relations, parenting and a breadth of hot-button topics inspired by real life.
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Tips to Sell Your Stuff
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Did you purge your home and clean out closets when we were forced to Stay at Home? What do you do with all of that stuff? The chicks from Chick2Chick are "chirping" with a self-proclaimed Savvy Online Seller who has the best tips to sell your stuff and make a few bucks!
#podcast #letschirp #realtalk #womenvoices #treasure #sellstuff #tips #cash
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Managing Money in a Crisis
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Losing a job, mounting medical bills, pandemic! All of these things can cause a financial disaster for families. What can you do to get through a stressful financial situation? The chicks from Chick2Chick are "chirping" about it with PSECU and getting advice on how to "Manage Money in a Crisis".
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Exit Plan for the Gray Divorce Revolution
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
It’s a revolution for “50 something” women. After years of marriage, women are divorcing in record numbers and COVID-19 has only made things worse! Before you leave your “own” nest, do you have an Exit Plan? The chicks are “chirping” with Elizabeth Stephenson of New Direction Family Law about an “Exit Plan for the Gray Divorce Revolution”.
#podcast #letschirp #realtalk #womensvoices #exitplan #graydivorce
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Back to School with Harrisburg Academy
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
In-class, online or hybrid, we're headed Back to School! What is your school doing to keep kids safe? The chicks from Chick2Chick are "chirping" with Adrian Allan, Head of School at the Harrisburg Academy, about safety protocols, plus teaching kids HOW to learn, not just WHAT to learn. At Harrisburg Academy, it's more than just academics!
#LearnBoldly #HarrisburgAcademy #BacktoSchool #Education #InternationalBaccalaureate
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
What's In A Brand?
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
From social media to print, how you brand your business, or yourself, speaks volumes to your audience! The chicks from Chick2Chick want to know, what IS branding and why is it so important? They "chirp" with Brand Strategist and Photographer Shannon Confair asking, "What's In A Brand?"
#podcast #letschirp #realtalk #womensvoices #branding #socialmedia #brandstrategies #photography
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Madness over Masks & Social Distancing
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Wearing Masks. Social Distancing. There is madness over both! These measures due to Covid-19 have divided the country and sparked outrage and anger. Why? How did we get to this point? In this podcast, the chicks from Chick2Chick are "chirping" about leadership, mixed messages and the shear "Madness Over Masks and Social Distancing".
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Vacation to Nowhere, with Chick2Chick
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Did you have plans to go on a dream vacation and Covid-19 ruined everything? You're not alone. Now what do you do? Where can you go? The chicks from Chick2Chick are "chirping" with a travel industry expert about challenges to traveling on your "Vacation to Nowhere".
Podcast Sponsored by SPAtacular Escapes
#podcast #letschirp #realtalk #womensvoices #covid19 #vacation #trip #planes #trains #cars #travel
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Striking Out on Sports
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
First, no March Madness. Now Baseball without fans. What about Football this Fall? COVID-19 has pretty much crushed sports at every level. The chicks from Chick2Chick are "chirping" with a sports writer about how the pandemic has been a real game changer for all athletes and how we are "Striking Out on Sports". #podcast #letschirp #realtalk #womensvoices #sports #baseball #basketball #football #athletes #students
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
When in Doubt, Check it Out! (Your Health!)
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Cuts. Lacerations. Symptoms of a Stroke or Heart Attack. When in Doubt, Check it Out. Doctors want you to know it's safe to go to the ER. If you don't, it could be a fatal mistake. The chicks from Chick2Chick are "chirping" with a Doctor at Penn State Health about safety protocols in place in light of Covid-19 and why ignoring care for you or your family may not be the best medicine.
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Keep it Local Support Small Business
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Small businesses are getting beat up during the Covid-19 pandemic which is not over yet! Pizza shops, hair salons, gyms-Seems like everyday another business is closing permanently. The chicks from Chick2Chick "chirp" with a small business owner about what businesses need to do to survive and why the community should "Keep it Local and Support Small Business".
Podcast sponsored by SPAtacular Escapes in Mechanicsburg.
You can also listen to this as an audio podcast at your convenience through your favorite online podcast directory – iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, TuneIn, Podbean or Google Play.
#podcast #letschirp #realtalk #womensvoices #keepitlocal #supportsmallbusiness #community